Friday, October 10, 2014

golden vlog series take 2 + assorted miscelany

Today I'm linking up again with Faith from Life with Mrs. G and the Artist for round 2 of the Golden Vlog series! This video was long. Sorry about that. 
In case you missed it, on Wednesday I guest posted on Cassie's blog for her Equally Yoked marriage series, and I wrote a long article about sex with your spouse and how God feels about it and some practical applications to foster intimacy. You should really go check it out. Now.
Also, here is my amazing client I told you about in the video! Annabeth is an amazing photographer and I was so honored to build her site for her. Please go stalk her for hours. You won't regret it. Below are some photos she took of me.

Also because I said "oh look the sun came out" in both my vlogs thus far and I dubbed it my life catchphrase, Madison suggested it be my next tattoo. I laughed a ton and decided you would too.
What are you currently up to?
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  1. So first off I have to say I LOVED your post on Cassie's blog!!! Oh my good. Thanks for sharing it! You were cracking me up with the "truckers and serial killers!!" I think LG thinks that to sometimes..or at least he did until I met some of them. LG hates country music too and I love it so we have the same battle. I'm seriously going to have to see what all the fuss about Gilmore girls is...I've never watched it. Thanks for linking up with us again! I love you and your blog!

    1. Thank you! I was so nervous about talking about sex on the internet but I'm glad I did!! And I'm glad it has been so impactful. Drew has even met some people I've met through blogging but he forgets who he's met so he still doesn't believe me that I know I'm not going to spend the weekend with crazy people. You HAVE to watch it! I've been obsessed for years and I am devoting this week off to Gilmore Girls. I love you and yours too!

  2. YAY for your new job!!!!!! And I love your explanation of your personality "well... I'm weird." That's why I love you. I don't know what to do with my hands either...

    1. AHH!!! I'm so excited. I really am weird. But if I wasn't weird I'm pretty sure my friends would SUCK and be super boring but my friends are great so I'm glad I'm weird.

      I'm including you in the great nonboring friend category, ps. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks hands are ridiculous and boring.

  3. #1 Your pictures are GORGEOUS #2 I LOVED your post on Cassie's blog #3 You should totally get that tattoo #4 I'm so glad you linked up again! #5 GILMORE GIRLS IS THE BEST!

    1. #1. Thank you! She's so so talented! #2. That was maybe my favorite I've ever written. #3 Drew would kill me. I have a list of pre-approved future tattoos and that definitely went on the reject list haha #4 So am I! #5 If you don't like Gilmore Girls, I don't see how we can be's essentially physics.


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear what you think...leave me a note and I promise I'll do my best to reply!

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