Monday, October 13, 2014

a {week} of rest

This picture is relevant because it shows my real personality. Laughing, free spirited, a touch of hippie. This is the me I'm getting back in touch with this week. Also Annabeth is the most talented and I loved having her as my client.

A benefit of starting a new job in which your parents happen to be your employers...they know you well, better than you know you sometimes.

My parents made me take this week off between leaving my old job and starting my new one. A week to reboot, relax, rest, and just be.

At first, I thought it was unnecessary. I thought, oh, I don't need that, last time I changed jobs I had a week between but in that week we planned my entire wedding and then I moved into my first apartment and then started the new job, so I can handle starting new after just a weekend off.

Today, though, I am so beyond grateful that they made me take this week. This Monday morning, when I woke up to a slow day with plenty of coffee, a light to do list, and several days of nothing, I felt deep gratitude for this time.

I spent the last year not really resting much. I switched gears so quickly, had such a short engagement, got married, spent the first month of our marriage super sick, moved in our third month very unexpectedly, all the while investing so much of myself into my job there was not a lot of myself left elsewhere.

So now I have a week to reboot and refresh. A week to actually rest my heart and soul. A week to get back to myself and to do things I love and prepare mentally for a new adventure that I am so excited about.

Plus, this weekend I'm going to the mountains with amazing friends (who I finally get to meet in real life for the first time, which sounds crazy to everyone who doesn't blog, but those of us who do know that some incredible friendships form in this world).

Today, and for the rest of this week, I'll be knitting, resting, drinking coffee, reading, watching Netflix marathons, and spending quality time with my recently neglected kitchen.

And writing of course. This kind of rest does wonders for a writing soul.
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  1. I'm so glad you're taking a week off! You deserve it! Now go take a bubble bath. :)

    1. Thanks girl! I'm so happy about the week. I'm knitting and drinking coffee and not speaking as much as possible haha

  2. Im so glad your parents were so sweet to give you a week off! Resting is so important to us, even though we sometimes think we have to go, go and go. I wish I could hug and encourage you this weekend sweet friend! Lets just make a pact now to be at the next retreat together :)

    1. Pact solidified! And maybe we can find a way to visit before then! Rest is something I talk a lot about prioritizing but don't actually make myself do. So I'm really happy my mom basically ordered me to do it haha

  3. I'm so glad you get a week of rest! You absolutely deserve it, as well as your body, soul, and mind. Enjoy it :)

    1. Thank you girl! This week has been a long time coming. I didn't know I was so tired until Friday when I woke up and didn't have to go anywhere and it felt amazing.

  4. My heart just hurts that the retreat is this weekend and I'll be at work the whole time :( I'm so excited for y'all, though, and know that it's going to be an incredible weekend. I just SO WISH I could be there. So glad you get a week to recoup and rest...we all need that sometimes! You deserve it, love!

    1. My heart hurts knowing that you can't be there :( but maybe we can plan a weekend you& your man come visit us, or we come visit you instead!! I wish you were coming!!! I'm really thankful for this week though.

  5. YOU DESERVE A BREAK! What retreat is this you speak of?

    1. Thanks friend!

      It's the brainchild of Rachel {Oh Simple Thoughts} and Madison {Wetherills Say I Do} and it's in the mountains of Tennessee and if you're up for spontaneous adventuring you should definitely come this weekend!

  6. It is amazing what a week of rest can do! It is so nice to be able to rest, read and clear your head, especially before a big change. Enjoy your week!

    1. Seriously! I didn't know how tired I was until it started and now I feel like this was the best idea my mom has ever had.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you! I like it too! I had the best photographer ever!

  8. What a marvelous idea of your parents to let you have this week off!!! I hope you enjoy it to its full potential, dear girl!

    1. They are seriously the best! I am enjoying it completely, I promise!


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