Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Question for other writers using Blogger! HELP!!!!

*DISCLAIMER: This post has been updated. Most recent information found at end of post.

So. I've tried coding for my grab box at least ten times. I can get the button, and the box, but the code to grab keeps not showing up in the box.

I've done everything!! When I open the gadget, the coding is missing where it is supposed to go in the box.

At the end, after the first half of the box code, the part where the code for the button starting with <a=href......blahblablah> keeps getting deleted.

I've read lots of comments....and it seems lots of blogger users are having the same problem.

This tutorial (which is amazing, by the way--the issue just seems to be a problem with Blogger) is what I used to help build it. But no matter how many times I re-try, the code just disappears from my grab box.

Goodwillista, I see your box works! What did you do to make it go? (PS I love your blog. I check in very often. Also, yes I would shop your closet--I forgot to comment so on your post.)

Help! I'm usually really tech-savvy but this is just stumping me.

Also, I'm beginning a Wordpress blog for work (which is how the grabber coding thing started--my blog is sort of our tester until we get it going). Who uses Wordpress as a platform? Is it worth the cost to be able to customize more? My company is a nonprofit so we have to be careful where we do and do not invest.


UPDATE: This wonderful wonderful page had the code for the second half of my gadget that made the button actually work. I kept the coding from the first tutorial linked above for the half of the code that made the button. The coding for the box came from this website.


  1. Oh sorry I'm just seeing this! Did you ever get it to work? I had the same problem once! Nicole gave me her code and I just replaced it with my picture and link. I'm terrible with all that HTML stuff! If you need me to send you my code email me and I will!
    Also! You should add a GFC gadget to your blog so I can follow you! ;)

  2. I did get it to work eventually! It took about a thousand tutorials and tries but I finally got the coding to work somehow. I had to take a web coding class for my degree but I discovered I forgot half my HTML after graduation...oops. I'm checking out the GFC gadget now! I have never heard of it. But since I live in the south and the world shuts down when snow is predicted, I've got plenty of time today and tomorrow to actually do blog related things I missed during moving/wedding insanity!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear what you think...leave me a note and I promise I'll do my best to reply!

*Opinions are more than welcome on this blog, same as or different than mine. However, hateful words are not allowed and I reserve the right to remove comments that are clearly malicious in nature towards myself or others.