Monday, July 21, 2014

my strange obsession

Ok. Confession time. Remember how last week I wrote that very serious letter to my very wonderful husband about what a dreamer I am? Well, I'm also a bit Type A. Ok a lot type A. Calendars and lists and order and rules that don't get broken make my heart sing. So, imagine how my many dreams can quickly escalate.

They start with a little idea. Maybe I'll do a tiny bit of research. Then I'll dig a little deeper...curiosity is good for you right? Exercises the brain? Then I start to read everything I can on the subject. Reading--also good for you.. Who can fault me for reading, for goodness sake?

And finally, it becomes a full blown obsession and all I want is to see it be reality. Usually, it's something easy to make happen. A job in the arts for example. That was my obsession since I was sixteen, and look! I haven't had a non arts job since sophomore year of college. I was obsessed with College of Charleston, and got in and got accepted to the Honors College, and got a scholarship! Then when I hated it, I was obsessed with finding a scholarship to transfer, and I got full tuition at Anderson University. My obsessions can be great things!

This one, though. This one I don't think is turning out that way. This one is making Husband question my sanity, and thus his own sanity for marrying a crazy such as myself.

Guys...all I want in the whole wide world is a tiny house.




Simplicity. Ability to travel. ABSOLUTE ADORABLENESS IN THE HOME. It's perfect guys. It's wonderful.

The problem: I married a 6'4" 275 pound muscly man who tends to not like tiny spaces for obvious reasons. Alas, I'm still obsessed. So, here are my reasons why I HAVE to have a tiny house!

  1. Take your own bathroom on all your adventures. I love travel and I love seeing the world. I hate hotel and/or public restrooms with a passion. I just want my own potty no matter where I am. It's mine and it's familiar and I know its cleaning schedule because I wrote it. As my blogging bestie turned real life friend, Sarah, so eloquently put it, a tiny house lets you #takeyourpottywithyou. I want that.
  2. Adventuring. Guys...they are built on trailers. You can literally hitch your house to your pickup truck (sorry, Husband, this dream also requires you purchase a new vehicle) and take it anywhere your heart desires. Feel like hiking? Cool, let's take the house up to Tennessee. Need a little salty air? Awesome, hitch up and let's go down to the coast. ALL THE POSSIBILITIES! I can't get over it.
  3. The cutest little facade of a house ever. This doesn't even need further explanation. They're just lovely.
  4. Forced order. You can't be messy in a tiny house. We would have everything perfectly organized and everything would have a place and it would just be so calming to have everything so tidy.
  5. No neighbors. I love my neighborhood and we have really nice people beside us, but I like wide open spaces. So, if someone rudely moves their tiny abode right next to yours, you can move without having to buy a whole new house! It's the PERFECT solution for introverts.
So, now that my crazy is out of the bag on the internet, I'm off to go Pinterest a bajillion more tiny houses and further drive my husband up a wall begging for a tiny house.

Would you ever live in one?

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  1. I Love the idea of a tiny house! Simplicity at its finest.
    And you are cracking me up with the whole "take your potty with you"!

    1. Girl. It's serious. I'm already anxious about the bathrooms in our cabin at the retreat. Will they feel right? Will they smell like old cabin or like clean bathroom? Will everyone judge me like crazy if I clean the bathrooms before we do anything else?

  2. I will totally take house number 1! Lots of room for a Shih Tzu farm in the surrounding land. #smallhousemoreshihtzus

    1. Drew says if he lets me have a tiny house I'm not allowed to have dogs. I say, pshhhh, that's absurd.

  3. What cute houses! Love the fact that they can travel with you. But yes, not sure how your very tall husband will like it hah! Amen to the wide open spaces and I love your #takeyourpottywithyou hahah you crack me up girl!

    1. I genuinely hate bathrooms that aren't mine!! I lived in a communal dorm freshman year and I'm convinced part of my misery at that school was the communal bathrooms. It wasn't right. But I loooove wide open space. And now the Dixie Chicks song is in my head. And I don't even like country music.

  4. that first house is the CUTEST HOUSE EVER!

    1. WILL YOU PLEASE TELL MY HUSBAND! Because he legit thinks I'm nuts.

  5. I live in a studio apartment so it kind of counts? Except it is stationary. ;)

    1. Yes. Totally counts. Except the stationary part. That ruins the #takeyourpottywithyou factor. But I still love studio apartments!

  6. YESSSSS. I want one too!! It's my latest obsession.

  7. my friends Brit & Brandon got married about a year and a half ago and spent the following summer building their own tiny house! it really is adorable, and works well for them. they spend the summer in buffalo where Brandon runs a traveling frozen yogurt shack, and then they're back in pa for the winter so Brit can substitute teach and Brandon works as an associate pastor...I love visiting their house, but it's really a lot of work to move it, and unfortunately, they couldn't find a campground that would let them bring it to buffalo this summer so the house is here in pa while they're away in buffalo right now!

    1. GASP. A real life tiny house?!?!? This little story made me so happy but sad that they can't have it in Buffalo!

  8. haha my husband wants one sooo badly. Ironically my husband is ALSO 6'4"....somehow the idea of living with less (even though we have so much outdoor gear, its overkill) is appealing.

    1. Hahaha I'm slowly outgrowing the tiny house obsession as far as for the two of us goes, but if I hadn't gotten married and I knew about them, I definitely would go tiny!

  9. those are cute, but I couldn't do it - haha!! My closet is probably the size of some of those ;) I like space!

    1. I used to have a big walk in closet in our first apartment together and LOVED it. But now that I've been simplifying my closet collection even my smaller closet is too big. So I think I could do it! But Drew refuses so I won't be testing the theory haha

  10. I can totally see the appeal in tiny houses. It forces you to be more minimalist and make do with less, which is something most of us could be way better at! With the distraction of less "stuff," we can really focus on the more important things in life like making memories and spending time with loves ones and pets.

    1. Yes yes yes to all of that. I want more memories and less mementos.


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear what you think...leave me a note and I promise I'll do my best to reply!

*Opinions are more than welcome on this blog, same as or different than mine. However, hateful words are not allowed and I reserve the right to remove comments that are clearly malicious in nature towards myself or others.