Monday, August 25, 2014

mondays are for sidebars and friends

I love the community here in Blogland. Getting to "meet" people through blogging, sometimes in real life, sometimes just through their space online, is so rewarding. One of the was I've expanded a little of that community is with sponsorship, and I have been so lucky to have three lovely women hanging out in my sidebar this month.
Because I love them so much and I know you will too, I had to dedicate a special post to them, so that you could get a little glimpse into these beauties and go get to know them better by following their blogs and social media!

Martha Kate @ Seasons with the Strattons
What are you going to miss most about summer? What are you looking forward to most about fall?
I'm definitely going to miss my Summer Iced Coffee addiction, but I'm also looking forward to enjoying warm cups of coffee when it is chilly outside!
Bloglovin' // Twitter // Pinterest // Instagram

What are you going to miss most about summer? What are you looking forward to most about fall?
I will definitely be missing the free time! It's been so nice to have hours and hours to work on my blog, travel a bit, and spend time with friends and family. I'm looking forward to what the fall will bring though! Especially all of the new experiences...I'm heading to college this fall and I'm so excited to meet new people and discover some new things about myself! 

What are you going to miss most about summer? What are you looking forward to most about fall?
I am sad to see easy to wear summer dresses and flip flops go, but I am looking forward to pumpkin-everything and leggings, boots, and sweaters! Oh, and of course, my first wedding anniversary is this fall!

Your week will be much better if you start it by going and following these beautiful ladies. I love their blogs and their hearts behind them, and I know you will too.

Now it's your turn. What will you miss most about summer but are most excited for this fall?

PS! Code "summerfriends" is still in effect for 50% off sponsorships! My in-post banner spot is booked through November but there are plenty of spots left on my sidebar for September!
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Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear what you think...leave me a note and I promise I'll do my best to reply!

*Opinions are more than welcome on this blog, same as or different than mine. However, hateful words are not allowed and I reserve the right to remove comments that are clearly malicious in nature towards myself or others.