Thursday, August 21, 2014

a peak into my book collection

I love to read. I devour books in a matter of hours. The minute I bring them home, I curl up on the loveseat (better than the couch because it's precisely my size) and zone out for hours with the characters on the page.
I'll read almost anything, too. I'm a bit promiscuous, book-wise, not loyal to any one genre or author in particular, reading anything that comes my way. I can't help it! They're just too wonderful.
Today, since my awesome friend Sarah is hosting a Goodreads linkup I decided to not only share my Goodreads account, which you should head to her blog and do too, but also write a little about some of my favorite reads. This was very hard to pick as I have over 100 books in my house and have read many more.
First: Say Everything. This was actually my textbook for the class that started this blog way back in 2012 fall semester. It's really fascinating for those of us bloggers and blog enthusiasts. I love knowing how things begin, and this book goes right back to the very first days of blogging and the slow rise to popularity we now see. If you like blogging and you enjoy knowing the origin of things, I strongly recommend this one!

Then all of these.

A Northern Light is a historic fiction set in the very early days of America being a country, with a girl who lives in the countryside. She has become responsible for her younger siblings since her mother's death and father's subsequent emotional absence. She, like me, loves to read and to learn, but it isn't considered right for a girl in her position to pursue learning. Should she pursue her dreams of going to college or stay and take care of her family forever? It's a thrilling read.

Bread and Wine. You've seen the Bread and Wine linkup posts here and here, and this is the book that started it all. It is a collection of essays about love, family, friendship, and of course, food, that will sit in your heart forever after reading, and make you want to invite everyone you know over to eat right this minute. I cannot recommend this enough.

Wool. This is more of a futuristic sci-fi pick, about a dystopian society after man has depleted all of Earth's resources and gone to mass nuclear war and made it impossible to reside outside of underground silos that were built in anticipation of the demise of humanity. The structured society within the silos is elaborate in its set simplicity, and those in charge have a million secrets they don't want anyone in their silo to know about the world they've created. This book has many moments that will scare you and thrill you, and you won't believe how it ends. The author wrote this book by writing every single morning no matter what for a full year.

And, last but certainly not least, Medium Raw. Confession: I have had a very long time crush on Anthony Bourdain since mid-high school. I love his shows, I love his passion for food, however exotic, and I love his writing. I had the opportunity to see him speak live for my birthday sophomore year of college with my parents, and it was one of my favorite nights ever. He is hilarious, so honest about his life and background, and his love of food is so strong you can almost taste what he is describing. I cannot get enough of Anthony. You need to read this.

What are your favorite reads? I'm always on the hunt for something new to pick up!
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  1. One day I will actually read Bread and Wine! Haha

    1. You won't regret reading it! It just sticks with you!

  2. I love finding new books to read through real people's reviews! Say Everything looks like such an interesting one! I am not at all loyal to one genre either. I like it all!

  3. Anything Anthony Bourdain has my name written all over it :)


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