Friday, May 30, 2014

friday q&a: let's get to know each other, shall we?

Robyn over at Robyn's Nest did a little Q&A post today and tagged everyone reading her post to do it too. Not wanting to pretend I didn't read the instructions I figured I would follow through on the tag! So here's a little more about me.

Get to know me posts are an excellent excuse to use wedding photos. Sorry not sorry.

1| What is your favorite quality about yourself?

This is not a brag, I swear, but I honestly really like myself a lot. It took a long loooong time to get to this place but I've reached a point now of self awareness and acceptance and love. I finally realized that I am enough, and I am lovely, and that God made me on purpose with a purpose, and that helped me to see myself through clearer eyes. But my favorite quality about myself is my introversion. Sounds weird, I know, but I like that I'm not super outgoing because it enables me to have deeper relationships and also lets me explore my own passions more because the way I recharge my batteries is through being alone and doing what I love.

2| Briefly explain the name of your blog.

Well, I started the blog in college with a friend for a class, and we started it as a sewing and upcycling blog, and when I decided to switch to lifestyle blogging I realized I didn't need a new blog name, because really my soul is constantly being sewn into something new as I grow and change.

3| What is your favorite thing about the city or state that you live in?

Right now I'm panicking about my first Columbia summer. Our city's motto is literally "Famously Hot" and I'm super pale and the sun and heat hates me--I got a sunburn yesterday at sunrise. But the best part of Columbia despite the heat is that I'm maximum three hours away from everything, beach, cool cities, mountains, family, best friends. Day trips are so easy here.

4| What is the best book you've read recently?

I am a major book lover. I definitely consider myself a bibliophile. However, the last month and a half we have been so busy moving into a new house, my job got super busy with a major event I planned, and Drew's schedule at the hospital suckkkkeddd for a while, so I haven't read. But I finally got a library card which I think makes me an official Columbia resident, and I found my new favorite bookstore, so I'm all set to start a new book!

5| What made you start blogging?

When Liz and I were in the class that had the term project of a web-based media project, I knew a blog was it. I read them all the time and always felt like I could do it and love it with how much I love to read and write. I stopped for a while after the class but came back because I found a renewed passion for writing and reading and realized this blog was something God had plans for me through.

6| What is something you think you are really good at?

Baking. Come over to my house and I'll show you.

Sara Dippity, body painter, me, Joe Pinner, WISTV, Norree Boyd-Wicks, my boss, and Mark Rapp, international recording jazz artist. See why my job is so cool?!
7| What is your dream job?
Is it weird to say I've already got it? I'm working in an arts nonprofit, and I ADORE the nonprofit industry and I'm obsessed with all forms of art, so planning events and fundraising for artists and other organizations is seriously perfect for me. So I have my dream job as the communications and fundraising director for the Cultural Council of Richland and Lexington Counties. I'm also monetizing this space and doing web design on the side for fun, so basically I'm just really happy with all of my work.

8| What time of day do you feel most creative?

I can't pinpoint it. It changes. I just love to create.

9| What food could you eat every day and never get tired of?

Bread. Sourdough from Publix if you wanna get specific. GIVE ME ALL THE BREAD.

10| Name something you would like to accomplish in the next year.

I have a few is to run my first 5k. I also would love to attend a blog conference to learn more about this world, but we shall see about that. They're quite costly!!

Thank you Robyn for this fun little survey! I, too, tag all of you reading this to do the Q&A!
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  1. yay!!! i am so glad you did this! :) good luck with your first Columbia summer! :) how long have you been in Columbia?
    love what you said about introversion! such a great way to look at it and that is so true! neat about running your first 5k!!! my first one is in June and i am hoping it goes well! i lost a week of training due to a crazy work schedule! good luck on yours!

    1. Oh my gosh I can't believe you're so close! That's so cool haha we need to meet up. I've been here since October 3rd of last year. So this summer seems highly intimidating right now!

      I think I'm doing a 5k in Greenville in August. I haven't plugged the date into my Couch to 5k app (best app ever--makes it so easy) but I'm thinking about one here in July. If the whole Cola summer thing doesn't kill me haha. Good luck on yours!! I hope it goes wonderfully!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear what you think...leave me a note and I promise I'll do my best to reply!

*Opinions are more than welcome on this blog, same as or different than mine. However, hateful words are not allowed and I reserve the right to remove comments that are clearly malicious in nature towards myself or others.