Saturday, December 13, 2014

in which i brag about my husband

Once upon a time I didn't believe in marriage so I broke up with a boy I loved who loved me back.

And now that boy is a man and I call him husband.

Let me just talk about him for a minute. Okay, an entire post.

He works full time and often piles on overtime too. While he's not working, he's usually studying hard  and working towards his master's degree in Nursing. He's incredible. He also cleans the house when I'm away for a few days even if it is finals week, takes me out on fun dates, and ensures our life together is full of laughter and joy.

The last two semesters have been intense. He's been working so much, and adjusting to having a wife. Plus he moved. Twice.

And yet, he still made all A's this semester, all while working to pay for our basics and our fun, saving for our future, getting ready for a great Christmas, and going on vacation for our anniversary.

His classes are hard. No. Hard is the wrong word. They're ridiculous. Medical degrees are some of the toughest to earn. Every piece of information he ever learns absolutely must stay in his head because he never knows when a patient's life may depend on that one thing they covered one day in half a lecture. He can never really "just get by" in school. He has to be all in, all the time.

And he is. Always. He's all in at work with his current patients. He's all in at school giving it his best. He's all in in our marriage.

My husband is an all in kind of guy. If he's going to commit to something, he's doing it with everything in him. He doesn't do halfhearted. He doesn't do minimal effort. He gives all of himself all the time. Good isn't enough. His best is all that will do, and even then he wants to make his best even better. 

And he picked me. Out of every girl that ever existed in all the world, somehow I'm the one he chose. I get to cheer him on in all he does. I get to be cheered on by him in all I do. I get his hugs (which by the way are the greatest hugs in the world).  I get to hear him be shocked by his grades. I get to celebrate the successes, big and small, with him. I get to spoil the heck out of him at Christmas because he has earned it and so much more.

I get to be his wife. He's the most incredible man I know. And I'll never tire of celebrating life with him and being part of all of his successes.
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  1. Isn't it cool to be chosen by such great men? I didn't believe in marriage either- until I met my now husband! SO glad you found someone as great as him to treat you as you deserve!

  2. So glad you met your soulmate and enjoying marriage!

  3. This is just THE CUTEST thing ever. I feel the same way when I look at my husband. Isn't it crazy to know that he chose YOU? He's pretty lucky to have you too!


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