
Hi! I'm Kaitlin, born a California girl but raised a South Carolina girl, and living in and working in the Famously Hot Columbia, SC. On August 17, 2007, on my very first day at a brand new high school when I was the shyest girl you ever did meet, a 6'4, 270 lb football playing not quite as shy boy named Drew fell on my desk in Spanish class. Cue on again off again romance. May 2011 we called it quits and entered a two year period of silence. December 2011 Drew meets Jesus. February 2012 Drew starts praying for his future wife to know Jesus. June 16, 2012 I meet Jesus. March 24, 2013, Drew, who is now a man and not a boy, sends me a message on Facebook. April 24, 2013 we make it official and are back together for real, this time with Christ at the center.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013, that man was on one knee asking for my hand. January 4, 2014, I and he became we. That's the short story; maybe one day I'll tell you the whole thing--our story would never have resulted in marriage if it wasn't for Jesus.

By now you've probably figured out that I'm a Christian. I'm one who screws up often but gives her heart trying to get better and draw nearer to the Lord each day. Some days I really suck at it. But all days I'm forgiven. Which is pretty cool, if you ask me.

What you'll find on Sew My Soul:

This blog of mine started as a school project, focused on sewing and refashioning thrifted finds to make them pretty again. After college, though, life began to change quite quickly and suddenly. My former co-author and still-friend, Elizabeth, got married, I began dating my man again (that escalated quickly...), moved to a whole new city, and started a whole new job, and gained a whole new last name. During all of those little enormous changes this little corner of the internet fell far from my list of priorities. Now, though, life seems to be a little more settled, and while I don't want to be a how-to craft blogger anymore, Sew My Soul shall continue as more and more pieces of my soul get stitched together each day.

Thank you for visiting my little space! I hope you'll stick around!


  1. Aww, I just love this so much. I'm so glad you commented on my blog so I had the honor of discovering your blog! I really can't wait to keep following along:)

  2. What a sweet story!! I just found your blog through the Peony Project and it is just lovely! I love finding other believers through blogging, makes the world seem so small. :)

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Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear what you think...leave me a note and I promise I'll do my best to reply!

*Opinions are more than welcome on this blog, same as or different than mine. However, hateful words are not allowed and I reserve the right to remove comments that are clearly malicious in nature towards myself or others.