Thursday, November 20, 2014

community brew // on birthdays and seasons

I don't know about you, but birthdays always seem to me like something should be happening in the upcoming year. Something monumental should accompany such a thing as becoming a year older.

Well, today is my birthday, and I have some really great things planned to celebrate, but there really isn't anything huge happening this year. I already got married, we're still a few years away from trying to start a family, we aren't buying a house (although we are most likely moving back to the part of the state we're from sometime in the spring). 

This season is odd for me knowing that it won't be one with a major milestone. I've spent a lot of life looking for that big thing coming. Some big accomplishment waiting to happen, or a big change to mark of my list.

24 isn't coming with a big thing. It's 

Don't get me wrong--I am so excited about my birthday celebrations, tonight with my husband who I think is just the greatest man ever, and then with him and my family Saturday, who I consider my best friends. Celebrating with my people is the best part about a birthday.

This year just doesn't really feel different. This season doesn't really feel like things are changing. And somehow, that seems weird. I've had something big changing every year since I was 15. Turning 16 and driving, moving to a new school, going to a dream program at an art school over the summer when I was 17, graduating and going to college at 18, getting my work in an art gallery at 19, transferring schools at 20, turning 21 and ordering a glass of wine (well, at that time it was more than a little wine, but that's a different tale for a different day), turning 22 and graduating college and starting life as an adult, unexpectedly falling in love, getting engaged, turning 23 and getting married.

So now, I'm 24. And I'm in a season without major change. It's unsettling. But it's also good. 

I think God is going to use this season to really teach me to be happy with what I have and where I'm at, and to not always be thinking about the next big thing. I think 24 will be a year of learning that it's okay to not be expecting something new. That it's okay to be happy as I am right this minute. That what the world says about striving, about needing more, about chasing's not true. I don't have to do that to be happy.

Right now, I have my husband, my dogs, amazing friends, my family...I have such a good life right here at this very moment without changing a single thing. And that's good. That's great! I have more than I need today. I have more than enough. So I don't need to worry about getting more.

I'm good.

Get it? Ice Ice Baby. Cassie is the inspiration behind this funny.

Except my broken nose...which is also another story for another day. Long story short, a teaser if you will: my husband is much larger than me, we are both extraordinarily accident prone and uncoordinated, and sometimes a hug can go terribly, horribly wrong when you combine all those things. And then you tell the doctor you hit it on the counter making cookies because you dropped chocolate in front of your dogs, because it was seriously an innocent freak accident and nobody needs to call the cops.

What season are you sitting in right now?

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  1. Kaitlin I hope you have a wonderful and amazing birthday! I hope your nose feels better haha I went through that too where you find yourself in a year with no major milestones, but definitely take that time to learn and grow and you will find yourself at the end of another great year when you get to 25 :)

    1. Thank you friend! I shall be learning as much as I can this year. Although I have to say, 25 sounds like such a big number...that's a quarter of a century!! I'm not ready to be a quarter of a century old.

  2. First of all, happy birthday! I love your outlook on this topic. For me, personally, I've been in this "waiting" season for a couple of years now since, like y'all, we are waiting a few more years for kids. I'm content with life right now, but sometimes I waste time longing for the newness that a fresh season brings.

    1. Thank you! Yes, the waiting thing is a little hard. I have days where I'm not ok with waiting and I just want to jump ahead and have a baby or buy a house but I know we aren't there yet and I'm learning to embrace it.

  3. happy birthday!! tanti auguri!! I loved this and I can definitely relate.

    1. Thank you! I don't know why this birthday felt so just...does.

  4. happy birthday! my husband is a foot taller than me and is CONSTANTLY stepping on me or blocking me. #storyofourlives

    1. Thank you!! Drew is a foot taller too. I hope your man doesn't accidentally break your nose ever!!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I will be 24 in a few weeks too!

    1. When we are eventually neighbors (because I will make that happen)...joint birthday parties all the way!

  6. Happiest of happy birthdays to you!!! Your poor nose lol!

    1. Thank you!! It hurts less now...unless I accidentally touch it too hard or bump it on something!

  7. Happy Birthday lady! The exciting thing about a new year is that you really never know what it might hold!
    Savor this season friend!

    1. Thank you dear! I definitely don't know, and that is fun. But I also don't like not knowing things haha

  8. Happy birthday! Sometimes restful years are good to get some perspective on life :)

    1. Thank you! I suppose I will have to check in at 25 and see where my perspective lies!


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