Monday, August 11, 2014


This picture has nothing to do with anything except I like it because it's my favorite chair and it's in nature, and I love the outdoors.
I can't lie, I'm blatantly stealing this post idea from Sarah today because my migraines have been taking over my life for the last week and preventing my brain from really functioning creatively. Or at all, for that matter. If you have migraines, you know how this goes, and I am so sorry you have them too. If you don't have migraines, you, sir or madam, are one of the lucky ones and I envy you deeply.
So. Currently.

Reading// Not much. I just finished Unbearable Lightness by Portia di Rossi, which is a very raw and real account of eating disorder life. It kept me awake all night and still feeling it the entire next day. So I need a fun read before I start my next serious one for Crossway.
Watching// House. Every day. Drew and I watch it together and we play a game of who can diagnose the patient first, Drew or House. Hint: it's usually Drew. My husband is pretty cool.
Thankful for// Friends, family, and learning opportunities. I miss school so much and would love to go get a master's degree in English Lit, but for now, I'm getting ready to take a poetry class through Coursera and I'm so excited. Christine from the So Called Homemaker and I are gonna be study buddies.
Wishing// My headaches would give me a break. This is getting old, brain. Please fix yourself.
Listening to// Norah Jones. Because it's almost fall and nothing says fall to me quite like jazz.
Drinking// Coffee in the mornings, as much water as I can, and regular Coke if I have a headache because for some reason it's the only thing that can ease the pain until my Relpax kicks in.
Anticipating// A Saturday meetup with some beautiful blog friends this weekend and a fun visit from either my mom or my dad or my mom and dad Thursday night! And finally booking our anniversary trip this week!
So. What are you up to these days? Any good book suggestions?
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  1. I sure hope your headaches get better, sweet friend. That's miserable! I love that chair so much...where did you get it?? I love Norah Jones SO much. She reminds me of fall, too :)

    1. Thanks girl! I'm so frustrated with them. I've had them for over a week straight now! The chair came from TJ Maxx a few years ago!

  2. I hope you begin to feel some relief. I had some of the same feelings about unbearable lightness!

    1. I'm starting to now but I'm so nervous it will come back! It's been off and on for over a week. While reading that book I was just feeling like I was reading pieces of some of my own story. It was the realest account of living with an ED is like I've ever read.

  3. HOUSE! and Norah Jones!!!! Really hoping your headaches just quit because who needs them?!

    1. I've never watched house before somehow! Norah Jones is my favorite. I want to name a child Norah but Drew doesn't like the name. And seriously, migraines can go jump off a bridge and wouldn't be missed!

  4. I hope you feel better soon! My husband and I love to watch House as well...but neither one of us are very good at guess the diagnoses.

    1. Thanks girl! And being married to a nurse has a ton of fun perks, like watching medical shows and seeing how much faster he can diagnose something crazy than House!

  5. ...oh norah. I absolutely love her music.
    and BOOO to headaches! I'm hoping yours is gone by now!

    1. If I could be best friends with Norah and just have her hang around my house and sing sometimes that would be the best. Headaches are the worst. They just invade everything!

  6. I watch House with my husband! We love it :)

    1. We are so glad there are so many seasons on Netflix for us to watch!

  7. A blogger meet up? I'm jealous. I feel like nobody blogs around central NY! As for books, I just started Lianne Moriarty's new one, Big Little Lies. Enjoying it so far. I have a Currently post scheduled soon....I love doing them! Hope your migraines are subsiding.

    1. Blog friends have been the best thing. Have you looked for any blog groups for your region? They're really helpful!! I'll have to add that one to my reading list. I've never done a Currently post before but it was helpful not to have to think too deep while my head is ready to explode! I'm trying to determine my triggers!


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