Friday, May 16, 2014

blogger coffee date

Yesterday I shared that I've hired Rachel to do an overhaul on my blog, which I could not be more excited about. I love reading what is on other blogger's hearts and minds, and I love to write about my own thoughts and desires,so I was thrilled when I discovered that today, she and Madison of Wetherills Say I Do would hosting a blogger coffee date linkup. I'm so happy I discovered Rachel's blog, for so many reasons!

So, if we sat down for coffee together, I would order a tall no water Chai latte with skim milk if we were at Starbucks, or a large house blend with a pump of vanilla at any other coffee shop. You can learn a lot about a shop by their house blend.

We would start with casual conversation, the usual small talk, I would ask you about your work and tell you I am so in love with mine it's not even funny. But alas, I am not very fond of small talk. I enjoy long, deep conversations with my friends, so the small talk would quickly transform to something more.

I would probably have a journal in my purse, because I carry one everywhere just in case. I would pull it out and show you this little hand lettering of a part of 2 Chronicles 20:17 I did last Sunday.

This verse and the story it's found in made a big impact on my faith. Lately I haven't been quite as sure of God's presence as I have been in the past. Lately I have felt like He wasn't there, and I had to control it all. If we were sitting down for coffee, I would tell you that reading this verse was the biggest reassurance He's still on my side.

I would tell you that this week I have gained so much insight into myself. I'm finding my voice in a whole new way. I would tell you I've rediscovered my passion for writing, and that I've realized it's okay that Sew My Soul had to change along with me. I'm seeing some possibilities for my future that make me so excited and nervous at the same time. And my dear, sweet husband is so supportive through it all. Every new realization I've had and every possibility I've been seeing has him so excited for me to. That man is such a blessing. God really outdid himself.

So, friend, what would you tell me if we sat down for coffee? How is your heart? What has you excited and is awakening your soul today?

Grab the button and link up with us!


  1. Wow so glad I found you via the coffee date. That verse just sucker punched me in the best way.

    1. I'm so glad you found me too! I'm so excited about the transition my little blog is undergoing and I love hearing from others!! That verse made such a huge difference for me this week. I had so many things that were just overwhelming me, and that one simple phrase from God put me at ease! I'm so glad it helped you too!

  2. Love this, and that you linked up with us today! I pray it was a blessing to you and that you got connected with some new blog friends!! Praise the Lord for community online! He is so good! Happy Weekend love!

    1. I'm so glad you hosted the link up! It was an awesome blessing to be able to share and see what others had to say, and I'm loving getting more connected in this little community! I hope you have a lovely weekend!

  3. So glad I found your blog and got to "meet" you through this link up! Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. So glad you came here! I love your blog title, by the way. Lavender is my favorite flower/herb/plant besides roses! Your post was lovely and I think true for many of us! I know I suck sometimes at getting into the word daily but I always want to do better. Hope that your weekend is fabulous as well!

  4. Whoa. That's how that verse is. Whoa. Because it applies SO MUCH to all that's going on in my life right now and the way I feel like I've got to tirelessly fight over and over and over but am too tired to keep on keeping on like this.

    And your bravery in realizing you're changing and with it comes changes in the blog. Not everyone can do that and live in what's truth for them over the expectations they feel like they've got to fulfill.

    1. Thank you! The story in 2 Chronicles is so wonderful for that. King Jehoshaphat was facing three. different. armies. allll coming at him at once, and he had no way to fight them. His army was so small, and three at once would wipe them out in a heartbeat. But he tells god that even though he is overwhelmed and afraid, he will constantly seek His face and stay true to His word. And God tells him, you will not need to fight this battle. And the three armies became confused, all fought each other, and no survivors were found. By the time Jehoshaphat showed up, it was over. He didn't have to fight, because God protected him. Life kind of felt like that here for a while, three giant armies staring me in the face and nothing I could do about it. But I don't need to fight the battle.

      And thank you very much for that compliment. I realized that the reason I wasn't posting was because I wasn't being true to myself in continuing as a craft blogger. Sometimes, we change, and I'm realizing now that this blog has a bigger purpose and I don't have to limit it any more.

      Also I have a major tattoo obsession and yours is probably my favorite shoulder piece/partial sleeve ever.

  5. Thank you so much for linking up with us! So glad that it was a blessing to you. These sorts of things are only successful because of the wonderful people like you who link up! Have a wonderful week!

  6. I also love to have coffee during my date. Also love to go different cafe with my friends to have coffee and great fun.



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