Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Holiday Tips: How to Pack Two Weeks in a Carry-On

So first of all, today is Kaitlin's birthday so be sure to leave a Happy Birthday comment for her!

Second of all, today's post isn't going to be about repurposing, but we are focused on giving you facts to help you be more resourceful when it comes to fashion and clothes in general. Also, with the coming holidays I'm sure many of you will be traveling, so I felt this tip would be very helpful.

So here it is... How to Pack Two Weeks in a Carry-On!

I found this post on, none other, than Pinterest. This blog explains how to pack all your clothes in one carry-on. With the rising charges to check a bag, these tips are amazing if you're going to be flying to see family over the holidays. Here are some of her tips:
  1. Know Your Destination + Activities
  2. Choose Dual Purpose Items
  3. Select Your Outfits
  4. Learn To Fold Like A Pro
  5. Use A Hard Sided Suitcase + Push The Limit Of Your "Personal" Item
To see the rest of her tips and what she has to say about each, go take a look at her post. It takes less than 5 minutes to read.

Let us know your tips for packing lightly and don't forget to wish Kaitlin a Happy Birthday!

~ Elizabeth


  1. I always pack WAY to much! This was helpful!

  2. great suggestions! Thanks for the tips.


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