Thursday, October 4, 2012

What to do when there is NOTHING to wear!

Today I have a little tip for you. Nothing is worse than staring at a closet full of nothing to wear. Seriously. I hate having to stand in front of my closet for ages trying to find something respectable to put on my body in the morning. It starts the day off on a totally terrible note, and puts me in a funk for the rest of the day.

I don't know any girls who don't have this problem!

To try to combat the morning wardrobe blues, I developed a system for keeping my closet clutter free. Every three months, I go through my clothes. Anything I haven't worn in three months can either be donated to a thrift store that supports a good cause, or can be made into something new that I will feel better about myself in.

This is a great way to go thrifting for free. They're already your clothes, so you don't have to buy them, and you can turn them into exactly the piece your wardrobe really needs! Another great way to find new things to refashion is to go through your friends. Have a swap party! Everyone brings in the clothes they haven't worn in forever, and takes home some great pieces they can either wear as is or make totally new.

The second way I organize my closet is by color. Everything is arranged according to the color wheel: Neutrals first, then black, then blue, green, yellow, orange, reds and pinks, and purple. It helps me to see what I already have plenty of (black, beige, and blue are ninety percent of what I like to wear) and what I don't have enough of. That way, when I do decide to make something out of thrift store finds, I know what I should be looking for to go with my current wardrobe, instead of making something cute that I will never, ever wear. Put your money and your skills where they really need to go!

Thank you, Pinterest, for the massive closet envy.

We already know I am all about bargain hunting and saving a dime wherever I can, but I also want to keep up a halfway decent appearance! I was browsing around a little today and I found a great blog that is written by a model living in New York who is all about saving money. Apparently, modeling is not the most lucrative industry by far. She has some really great ideas about saving money and looking good throughout her entire website. I spent probably forty five minutes just looking around. She has some great tips!

Go through your closet soon and bring your old stuff to your local charity thrift store. They help people in need, and most often are nonprofits, which means every cent of their income goes straight into supporting their cause. While you're there, dig around for yourself a little too! Someone might have cast of the perfect LBD for you, and with a few modifications it could turn out to be the best piece in your closet!

Happy Thursday!

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