Tuesday, July 8, 2014

a tuesday giveaway

Tuesdays are always good days. I got engaged on a Tuesday and got hired for my job on a Tuesday. I just really love Tuesdays. Plus, they aren't Mondays, so it's a lot easier to get up on Tuesday mornings!

This Tuesday is a great one...wanna know why? Because my sweet blog friend turned real life friend Sarah, along with myself and some other great bloggers, is giving away a very special piece of handmade jewelry and an Etsy gift card!

wonderful whimsical wire

The college friend of Sarah at Seriously, Sarah?, and talented jewelry designer, Natalie, is here to show off her new Etsy shop, Wonderful Whimsical Wire! Along with a few of my friends, we're here to give away an Etsy Giftcard AND jewelry from Natalie's shop!

etsy giftcard giveaway

Enter here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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1 comment:

  1. I love that tuesday's have such a great meaning for you :)



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