Thursday, June 12, 2014

summer lovin'...or...two of my favorite friends are getting married this summer!

Kaitlin & Caitlin, Palmetto Girls State 2008
Senior year of high school, practicing some sweet dance moves in a friend's driveway.
I'm so so excited right now, because tomorrow morning I'm going home to see one of my oldest friends from high school marry her high school sweetheart! Without her, I probably wouldn't have become friends with Drew, and probably wouldn't be married to him right now. She's been such a steady friend, the kind that's always there no matter how long it has been, and I am so so so excited for her wedding weekend! Congratulations Caitlin and Davis! The Beckwiths love you lots!

I've never made a normal face in a picture with her. Except at my wedding. very best friend is getting married one month from tomorrow and I'm so emotional about it it's pathetic. Like...more emotional than I was as a bride. Which seems odd but I really just felt so peaceful about getting married. Like, oh, of course this is what would happen. This is right. And I know this is right for Erica, and somehow the fact that we have both ended up getting married within six months of each other...which we never guys we never expected...well, it just has the tears always on the verge of spilling over. I'm gonna have to tuck some serious tissues into my matron of honor dress.

My maid of honor at my excited to return the favor!
Note to self: buy strapless bra with extra room for tissues.

Bottom line is, I'm so excited to be able to share in these special, once in a lifetime memories with these beautiful people. Watching both of these love stories from the beginning was such a priveledge and I am so grateful that I have these friends in my life.

To the newlyweds and soon to be weds: I wish for you a lifetime of joys, heartache, precious memories, good times, bad times, and all the times in between, for in those moments your marriage deepens. The midnight arguments that break your heart will make the good morning kiss taste so much sweeter. The moments of grief bring your hearts closer together. I wish for you a life that draws you ever nearer to each other. A life that tastes a little sweeter because of who you are sharing it with. And remember: always keep sharing. It's the most wonderful thing to connect on this level with the one whom your soul loves.
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  1. Girls State! They hold that at my college (Prebyterian College) now! I did Governors School at CofC that summer, but Girls State seemed way more fun and y'all got better t shirts!

    1. Really?! I wanted to do Governors School so bad that summer but since I had done SCAD the summer before my advisor told me to do Girls State to have some diversity on my college applications! We had it at Columbia College then. I was convinced Columbia was horrible because of it! We were in the GHETTO. But now I actually like it here!

  2. Aw, so sweet! You are such a good and sweet friend. I love those photos of y'all!

    1. I hope I'm a good friend! I try to be! Love these girls and these are some of my favorite photos ever.


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