Friday, June 20, 2014

so i have a little idea...

Please excuse the messy closet.
I love clothes. And I love blogging. And I love my blog friends. And I always love their clothes.

And I had an idea...for a blogger closet swap party.

I don't know the exact details of how this would work just yet. I'm still working it through in my head. But basically, we would all post between 5-7 items from our closets we aren't going to wear anymore, and sort of have a little cyber swap party, at the end of which we all have pieces we love and all we had to pay was shipping&handling.

Who's with me? Anyone? Comment below or email me at!

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  1. Love this idea! Can't wait to see where you take it:)

  2. That sounds fun, but everyone would have to make sure they were more or less the same size!

    1. Yeah I think if we did some planning ahead and had it in two stages where we connected with other bloggers our same sizes and sort of "paired up" it might help the size part!

  3. LOVE this idea!! Count me in :)

  4. That's a great idea for you young fashion bloggers! :)

  5. i love this idea!!! i'd be down to help organize it, too! :)

    1. Awesome! Email me at and let's chat!

  6. Ooooo I am just now seeing this! I am purging my closet to create my capsule wardrobe and I have tons of stuff that is in great condition that I need to get rid of!

    1. Um--so perfect!! I need to go through my closet and pare down and start the capsule wardrobe but I don't know where to start!

  7. I also like this idea. Sounds like fun. I love doing swaps of all sorts with people.


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear what you think...leave me a note and I promise I'll do my best to reply!

*Opinions are more than welcome on this blog, same as or different than mine. However, hateful words are not allowed and I reserve the right to remove comments that are clearly malicious in nature towards myself or others.