Monday, December 8, 2014

one lovely blog award + seven things you probably don't know about me

My gorgeous on the inside and out friend Cassie over at Sage nominated me for the One Lovely Blog award a couple of weeks ago (and I'm late on the post about it because I was on a 4 day trip for work last week that completely overloaded my brain) and I'm so honored. Hearing that people value work that comes from your soul is so humbling and beautiful.
One of the rules of the award is that in your post about it you must tell seven things about yourself that others probably don't know. SO let's embarrass me on the internet for all to see, shall we?
1 | I used to be an exhibiting artist on Gallery Row in Charleston, SC as a freshman art major, which was a pretty big accomplishment. I specialized in charcoal and oil painting, and my primary subject matter was the human form. I kind of took a hiatus from creating for a long time because I went into arts management and used my creative energy to help other artists learn to be successful in promoting and selling their work. I've got a canvas in my home office right now just waiting for some paint and I think I know what it wants to be now.
2 | I'm 100% convinced God had a moment of sheer insanity when he created feet. They're the absolute worst. Don't ever touch my feet. I will kick you. I once broke the nose of a woman giving me my first ever pedicure...someone (I don't remember who, it happened in Canada) convinced me it would be great and feel amazing and be the exception to my foot rule. NOPE.
3 | I currently have one tattoo (you probably do know that if you're a regular reader) but I have plans for several more. All future ink has to be Husband Approved since he's the one who looks at me and I still want him to think I'm super hot forever. The ones in the "queue" are all approved, and now it's just a matter of saving a little at a time. Ink is expensive.
4 | I'm extremely susceptible to a terrible affliction called The Giggles. Just one little stupid joke can set me off for ten minutes. Not exaggerating. This joke sent me into a severe asthma attack from hysterical laughter: What does coral get stressed about? CURRENT EVENTS!!! I just think it's hilarious because I picture a little cartoon coral reading the newspaper about a change in current and having a full on panic attack. It's so funny.
5 | I have 153 books in my possession. Which I just found out because I'm supposed to send Madison one book but I can't pick just one and so to distract myself from actually making a decision I counted my books.
6 | I can also memorize what I read very easily. It's not quite an eidetic memory (photographic is a misnomer) but it is very close. I remember every book I've ever read, and still remember most of what I learned in college and can tell you the exact final price of an estimate I very briefly looked at with my dad last Wednesday. $4,932.10. My family says that watching me recall information looks like there's a little Rolodex in my brain I'm flipping through, which is actually pretty close to what's happening in my head. Sometimes I don't realize I'm giving a full on encyclopedia entry about something simple until I'm halfway through it which can be kind of embarrassing if I do it in front of people who aren't expecting it because they don't know me. 
7 | I don't leave my house in sweatpants unless I'm doing something that requires being sweaty. Never. I don't understand it. Productivity in what are basically pajamas that make you feel like you can be athletic is just not the same. It actually annoyed me to no end when other people would show up to class like that in college. Put on real clothes. Then put your hair in a ponytail if you're tired. It takes the exact same amount of effort to show those who keep your university running that you are thankful for their work and that you value your time there and the knowledge you're gaining. I also don't work in my pajamas even though I work from home. Same reason. Respect for my job and myself, and an extra boost to my productivity. Even before I became a Christian and was partying pretty hard, no matter what degree hungover I was I still didn't wear sweats to class. It still bothers me that people do this!
Now I'm charged with the very difficult task of nominating 7 others! I love so many blogs and there are too many excellent ones to choose from. Alas, I must choose.
  1. Madison, Wetherills Say I Do
  2. Rachel, Rachel Rewritten
  3. Jenna, Dearest Love
  4. Amy, Taking Steps Home
  5. Nina, Flowers In My Hair
  6. Faith, Life with Mrs G & The Artist
  7. Caroline, In Due Time
I wish I could nominate Cassie back but I don't think it works that way. These are just a few of my favorites in blog world. Go read for hours and get nothing done!
Actually don't listen to that last bit. It's terrible advice. Read for hours when you don't have things to get done. Be responsible and then read these ladies for forever because I love them!
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  1. Congratulations on the award! That is too cool that you have a very sharp memory. I'm lucky if I remember what I ate for lunch yesterday lol!

    1. Thank you! It is cool. Sometimes my brain feels quite heavy because I've stored a lot of information in there haha but I do forget some things. Like packing shoes on a business trip, for instance. Not that that happened today...

  2. OK seriously cracking up over here!!! Haha, no joke!!!! I want a mind like a rolodex! #1 is so awesome! I have no artistic talent, so very impressed!!! And, that is a lot of books - I'm impressed you took the time to count!!!! Thanks for the nomination friend and congrats on your award!

    1. Hahaha I'm happy to have amused you!! #1 I rarely talk about anymore and sometimes forget--I've been so used to the other side of gallery operation I haven't picked up a brush in two years. I'm so itchy to paint again!! I love to count. I do it when I'm bored. How many books do I have? How many chocolate chips are in the refrigerator? How many pieces of wood make up our kitchen floor?

  3. I am so glad I'm not the only one who can't stand people touching my feet! My family has told me for years that getting a pedicure would be my one exception but I just can't bring myself to do it! Also--I tend to laugh for a long time at silly, little things and people always look at me like I'm a weirdo, haha! I loved getting to know you a little more--these are great!

    1. What I really want to know is how on Earth Jesus behaved himself while people washed his feet and he washed theirs. Every time I read something about feet washing in the Bible I get so grossed out I can't even decipher the passage past it. And I'm so glad I'm not the only one with an uncontrollable laughter problem. I also do it when I'm uncomfortable or don't know what to do with my emotions haha

  4. I never appreciated sweatpants until I have to get dressed up every day for my day job.... Now on the weekends sweats is all I wear! (But I don't go anywhere.)

    1. I like sweatpants but I firmly believe they have two distinct places: 1. places where you are working out. 2. at your house. I really don't like seeing them in other places. It really doesn't take that much more effort at all to put on jeans and a t-shirt at the minimum! And comfortable jeans do exist if you search hard enough. Sweats are just a major pet peeve of mine!

  5. Loved getting to know you a little better! You have so many books, haha! Also you nominated some of my favorite blogs too :)

    1. I have an insane amount of books hahaha it's ridiculous. I love those ladies!!

  6. Replies
    1. That is one of my favorite pictures of me!! Thank you! My amazing design client took that one. Her site is

  7. I love your memory. It's the coolest thing ever. (I have reaped the benefits of it!)


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