Friday, August 1, 2014

tomorrow i'm running a 5k+happy {blog}birthday to rachel

Have you ever done something and then went, "Wow, I never thought I could do that"? Because tomorrow I'm doing one of those things I never thought I could do. I'm running a 5k.

I'm not athletic. I never played sports, I only like yoga as a form of exercise, I hate the gym with all its confusing equipment. But tomorrow morning at 8am in Greenville, SC I'm running in a race. There will be a lot of other people running who will be much faster than me because I'm still not as trained as I wanted to be. A few setbacks during training kind of messed up my schedule.

But even though I'm not going to be great at it, and it's going to be hard, and I might look ridiculous doing this thing where my feet go faster and my arms move too but not in great form because I'm not coordinated, I'm doing it. And that feels pretty great.

I'm nervous as all getout but I'm not backing out. Unless I wake up with the black plague tomorrow, I'm running this race. I'm not going to win. But I'm going to run. And for me, that's a pretty massive victory.

Speaking of victories, my sweet friend Rachel is celebrating one today! Her lovely blog is turning 2, and I would say that's a pretty big accomplishment! Blogging for 2 years is difficult. Blogging seriously is a lot of work. However, it is such rewarding work, and she is celebrating with something very special: a giveaway!

A big thanks to all these lovely ladies for celebrating my blog's birthday and helping to make this giveaway possible! Make sure and give them some love!

What have you done that you never thought you could do?

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  1. GOOD LUCK on your 5k!!! you will do great & once you get out there the adrenaline will start pumping!! :) HAVE FUN!

    1. I'm bringin' my crown! I'm really excited and super nervous haha thank you for all the encouragement this whole time!!!

  2. Girl, you are the bomb! You will have a blast and be so happy that you did it. Running isn't easy but you will do an incredible job!!

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement leading up to it! Having support makes it so much better!

  3. You are going to rock that 5k. I know these things.

    1. Thanks Nina! I did feel like a rock star after :)

  4. Hope the 5K goes awesome! In my experience they end up feeling more like fun than hard ENJOY it! :)

    1. Thank you Amy! It was hard but it was the greatest feeling!!

  5. It may sound silly, but I giving birth to my daughter is something that I never thought I could do!

    1. That doesn't sound silly at all! I think everyone who gives birth deserves a medal of honor! Pushing a tiny human out of you is kind of a big deal!

  6. Congrats!! Enjoy your 5K! It's so exhilarating & rewarding once you cross that finish line! I'm hooked on that feeling.


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