Wednesday, July 2, 2014

this race i agreed to run is very intimidating, guys.

My neighborhood is so pretty to run in.

A little while ago I told you what I'm really thinking about while running. And I told you I'm working towards running my first 5k on August 2nd in Greenville except I can't find that post at the moment.

And it's July 2nd. And my nerves are officially majorly setting in. Last night, I dreamed I was running the race, passed out from heat exhaustion, and got trampled by six runners before anyone stopped to help me. And then somehow the dreamed turned into being chased by zombies from The Walking Dead, which I don't even watch because I'm so afraid of anything zombie or supernatural whatsoever. 

So because of the fear, this morning, getting up to run was incredibly hard. I had this voice in my head repeating, "You're not athletic, you've never done anything like this before, and you're not going to be able to make it." So running was the last thing I wanted to do. But I did it. I ran today, despite not having been diligent in training, despite nightmares, and despite the fact that my bed feels like a friggin' cloud and I never want to leave it.

Moral of the story: I'm freaked about this 5k. I know it's a short distance, and people do 10k's and half marathons and marathons all the time which are way harder to prepare for, so I probably sound whiney. But like I said, I'm not athletic, I've never done anything like this, and I'm great at negative self talk.

If anyone has any tips, tricks, advice, encouragement, etc to help keep motivated and move past the pre-race nerves, this newbie runner would love to hear it. What helps you?
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