meet rachel of oh simple thoughts
This post was supposed to go live yesterday as it has been written for days but apparently something went wrong and instead of my scheduled posting time it just reverted to a draft. Lame. #fridayfail
This month has been my first month offering sponsorships, and guys, it has been the best month. I love love love getting to know other bloggers and helping them to grow. This month, I am so excited to introduce you to Rachel of Oh, Simple Thoughts! This girl has the sweetest love story, the cutest pup, and a major heart for Jesus. In short--I just love her. Get to know her a bit more!

The mission of Oh Simple Thoughts is to encourage women to pursue the gifts the Lord has uniquely given them. To help women discover how to use those unique gifts for the glory of the Lord in their marriages, homes, and in all of life. The goal of Oh Simple Thoughts is to inspire all to "look well to the ways of our household, and to not eat of the bread of idleness" (Prov. 31:27) while creatively proclaiming Jesus in all areas of our life, both big and small.
What is your favorite thing about the place you live? What makes it so special?
Well, it is where I went to college so it is packed with memories. It is where I met my best friends, my bridesmaids, my husband...It is where Ben proposed to me, and now is where we will always remember as our first home. It so special for all those reasons.
What is your #1 favorite thing to wear in summer in the South?
Maxi dresses, and long flowy skirts. I love how breezy they are and how versatile they can be. I can throw on a loose tee or a chambray on top and tie it at my waist and it creates a totally different look. And they are comfy which is huge to me!
What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Probably crafting...or reading. I love to create with my hands, and Ben does also so we always have building projects going on around our home. But I cannot pass up a great book!
What is your favorite season and why?
I think it is Spring. I love watching the world wake up again, and all the new growth. It is perfect weather to enjoy being outside, and I love being outside, so naturally this is my favorite time of the whole year!
What has been speaking to your heart and faith recently?
I think the biggest thing has been to be count the Lord's gifts in my life daily, in the mundane and in the exciting. I think I am seeing that I can only truly rest and rejoice in the grace of the Lord when I am naming and receiving the daily gifts he places in my life.
What is your favorite thing about your current stage of life as a newlywed without children yet?
The ability to just hindrances. We cannot wait for the Lord to bless us with children, and hope that he blesses us with many if he sees fit to, but for right now I love this season. I love being able to leave and go get ice cream at midnight, or go out of town on a whim for the is a really sweet season that I know will not last forever.
If you could go on your dream vacation, with an unlimited budget, where would you go, who would go with you, and what would you do?
Well I would obviously go with husband, there is no one else I would want to go on an unlimited finances trip with! :) But probably somewhere in Europe. Italy or Spain maybe? Somewhere romantic and beautiful where I can see beautiful people, and eat wonderful food and drink great wine! :)
Go visit Rachel and check her out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! Plus, follow her on Bloglovin' so you never miss a post, and sign up for her monthly newsletter to get special updates!
And a sweet summer bonus: Because summer is going so fast, and I love you guys, I have a special promo for a limited time! ALL sponsorships are 50% off during the rest of July using promocode summerfriends !! Come join my sidebar and let me help you grow!
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