Tuesday, May 13, 2014

why this posting regularly thing hasn't happened

Lately I've been thinking. About me, what makes me tick, what brings me peace, what brings me joy, and how do I find balance in my life between responsibilities and my passions? The thing is, this blog started as a refashioning blog about sewing and how to do it. And lately I haven't stitched a thing. I have a dresser in my office with several pieces ready to go under the knife pinking shears and I just haven't done it. Why?

My little space to write. {print from vallarina creative}

I love to sew. Truly I do. When I do it I have joy and fun and a sense of accomplishment. But my heart hasn't come alive when I write tutorials on sewing like it once did. When I was in college, I loved how-to posts and I loved sharing projects. But life these days hasn't lent itself to how-to. And my heart isn't in how-to anymore.

My place from which to sew, pre-office makeover. Fun fact: this sewing table belonged to Drew's grandmother and his father refinished the top when he was in high school. It's the real deal from the 1920's.

This blog is going to undergo some changes here. There will be the occasional stitchery, and I will be sharing some projects here and there. But I'm not going to be a craft blogger anymore. Lifestyle blogging is what fits me here and now.

Writing is one of my deepest joys. I have journals all over the house. Any time I'm just having a hard day or just not quite myself, my sweet husband asks, "have you written anything in your journals this week?" He knows how I love to see words flow onto a page. He knows I learn myself and my heart more with each entry. He knows my passion. So while I'm not going to be a craft blogger anymore, I am going to keep blogging here.

I've toyed with the idea of building a whole new blog from scratch. I've considered that it might be easier to transition if I create something new. After all, the name of this blog lends itself to crafting immediately. But Sew My Soul means a little more than just crafting. You see, our lives are pieces of thread woven into a tapestry that is all of Creation. It is being stitched, embroidered, developed, and sewn each day. The small piece of the tapestry that is my life is being stitched as well. My soul, so to speak, is in a constant state of being sewn. Thus, Sew My Soul will continue to be my blogging home.

My fantastic mom/bff and I at the event I spent the last six months planning. A little bit of who I am in this picture. No, that's not a real tattoo. We had a body painter who drew inspiration from everyone's colorful outfits.
What does this mean for you, sweet reader? Well, it means you'll see more things like my thoughts on marriage and body image. You'll begin to see things like me joining a linkup with Princess Burlap on sweetness, or with Rachel of Oh Simple Thoughts for coffee dates. You'll see more of my heart here. You'll see more of real life. Sometimes I'll show you a craft or two, but I'm not going to push myself to be pumping them out constantly. When you come here, you'll be getting to know me. This blog is going to be real from now on. Real me, real thoughts, real life, not just a little thing I like to do in my spare time. This isn't to say I don't love craft blogs; it just doesn't fit who I am anymore.

Welcome to the new Sew My Soul. I hope you'll enjoy its fresh start with me.

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